Friday, February 7, 2014

I keep meaning to post here, but things come up or I don't have photos loaded to the machine I'm working on and then time just passes so quickly...

I finished my inked quilt, "Missy," back in May or June and I was so pleased with how it turned out that I decided to try to get it accepted at Road to California and I didn't want to jinx anything by publishing a photo of it.  Anyway, it was accepted at Road and was displayed in the show last month.

Missy (c)
Missy came to us as a stray.  She was a muted, "heathery" calico.  She was vey sweet when she got used to us, but we think that she had been abused because was always wary of men, even my husband  who became fond of cats through interaction with Missy.  She passed away a few years ago and this portrait is one of my ways to keep her in my memory.
Closeup of Missy (c)
I didn't really realize that the quilt was relatively small (although much larger than the actual cat) until it was hung next to a David Taylor quilt at Road.  I have to say that it was quite an honor to share a rod with one of his pieces.  His birds are giants compared to my kitty!